Current Debate Topics
Policy Debate
- [2024-2025] - The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, trademarks, and/or patents.
- [UIL Fall] - In the United States, agroecology ought to be prioritized over industrial agriculture.
- [TFA September/October] - The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.
- [TFA November/December] -
- [TFA January/February] -
- [UIL Spring] -
- [TFA March/April] -
- [September/October] - The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.
- [November/December] -
- [January] -
- [February] -
- [TFA Fall Docket] - Linked Here
- [UIL Region Docket] - Linked Here - When Available
- [UIL State Docket] - Linked Here - When Available
- [TFA Spring Docket] - Linked Here - When Available
- [National Qualifiers Docket] - Linked Here - When Available
- *Each tournament sets their own from this list: TFA.
- [2024-2025] - Creativity is a more powerful force than intelligence.